Early Signs of Vitiligo

The most obvious sign that someone has Vitiligo, is the lighter patches that appear on [...]

Vitiligo and Albinism

We get many people asking us how they can tell the difference between vitiligo and [...]

How to Increase Melanin

One of the key factors associated with Vitiligo is the reduction in Melanin (skin pigment) [...]

Vitiligo Treatment Facts

Vitiligo can be treated and, in some cases, we have seen new pigment appearing in [...]

Stop the Spread of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a complex condition, but it does respond to treatment, and not all treatment [...]

Vitiligo and Exfoliators

We recently had a case where a new patient who had previously never had Vitiligo, [...]

Vitilox Cream Application

Our signature product, Vitilox Vitiligo Pigmentation Cream, has been a trusted solution for Vitiligo Treatment [...]

Vitiligo Causes – Symptoms – Types

Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition that causes the loss of pigment in the skin, [...]

Vitiligo Treatment

“Vitiligo treatment” is a phrase that conjures up a range of feelings from scepticism and [...]

Vitiligo and Thyroid Health

Is there a link between thyroid disease and Vitiligo? There is a direct link between [...]