Should I be worried if I have white spots and patches on my skin? ‘Worried’ is definitely not the correct word, but you should be aware of changes to your body, be it an internal change or a change to your skin. We hear often enough of people who have caught breast cancer in the early stages by spotting a lump in the breasts, and then they receive early treatment for cancer and completely defeat the disease. So, should I be worried if I see white spots and patches on my skin
Of course, the lump that the person found could have been no more than an oil-producing gland in the skin that had become clogged. That would have been even better news because an oil-clogged gland is no threat to one’s health at all but he or she would still be glad that he or she went to the doctor. The relief at finding out that it was not the start of cancer would have made the visit to the doctor well worthwhile.
Are white spots and patches deadly?
Breast cancer might be a dread disease but a white spot is rarely, if ever, the sign of a dread disease. The funny thing about Vitiligo is that it bothers so many people so much but, biologically, Vitiligo has absolutely no affect on one’s health. You can have Vitiligo and go on to be a world class musician, model or sportsman or sportswomen. You will not die from Vitiligo and you will not need chemotherapy or radiation. Inconsiderate people and self-consciousness may make your life difficult, but that should not be life-threatening.
How do I know whether my white spots are a sign of Vitiligo?
White spots could be an indication of many different conditions. It doesn’t have to be Vitiligo. For example, eczema often leaves white spots on the surface of the skin. They are harmless and are usually treated cosmetically.
The skin condition, Pityriasis Alba is a relatively widespread condition and causes red, scaly, itchy patches that heal sooner or later and leave behind rather faint, but definitely white, spots. Pityriasis Alba usually appears in children between the ages of 3 and 16. It affects the face, the neck, shoulders, and arms.
When do you need to be concerned about white spots on your skin?
Sometimes white spots are the aftermath of sunburn, lacerations, chemicals, allergies, eczema, etc. which causes damage to the melanocytes and stops them from producing melanin also known as Vitiligo. It is always good to have your skin checked by a dermatologist in case you have an underlying condition. particularly, if you feel any pain or itchiness around the area of the spots or generally feel unwell but are not aware of a cause.
Is it easy for a doctor to diagnose Vitiligo?
Usually it is fairly easy for a doctor to diagnose Vitiligo but, remember, you can always ask for a second opinion. Doctors study hard and try their best, but they are human and making an accurate diagnose for something as common as white spots can be tricky.
There is a condition which presents itself as small round or oval white spots on the sun-exposed areas of the skin and is known as idiopathic guttate hypo-melanosis. This condition sounds serious, doesn’t it, but the Latin words actually mean the following: idiopathic = doctors don’t know why it develops; guttate = resembling a tear drop or dew drop; hypo-melanosis = white spots.
Very descriptive!
How do I know if the white spots indicate Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is pretty distinctive and is frequently diagnosed by a dermatologist simply by looking at it, often with the aid of a special light called a Wood’s lamp. It is a harmless and pain-free process. holding it close to the skin with all the lights in the room turned out. If you have Vitiligo, the Wood’s light makes all of the white spots shine a bright fluorescent white, clearly visible and in stark contrast to the normal colour of the skin. An easy diagnosis! But also a warning to you is you are self-conscious about the white spots – don’t go to a club with fluorescent lights because your spots will glow quite magnificently! But then that might be great fun! You choose!
What do Vitiligo spots look like?
You could have white spots in just one area on one side of your body if you have Segmental Vitiligo. If you have Acrofacial Vitiligo the white spots could be on your face, your lips, genitals, fingertips, hands and feet – or any one of these places. If you have Universal Vitiligo, the white spots could be on any part of your body and ultimately cover the majority of your body. So take action fast if you don’t know what the white spots are, or if you suspect Vitiligo. Treat it before it spreads!
People who develop Vitiligo are usually healthy and have normal skin texture. They can live long, productive and happy lives. Vitiligo is more common in people with autoimmune diseases but it is not life-threatening. It is a condition which you can manage.
Vitiligo can be Treated!
Vitiligo can be treated, and it is important to keep perceptions in line with reality! Commitment and adherence to the available treatment options are important when managing Vitiligo.
At Vitiligo Treatment we offer a large range of products to help treat most Vitiligo conditions. This is one of the factors that has contributed to our success in Treating Vitiligo.
We do have a combination of products formulated to treat Low, Medium, and High Vitiligo body coverage. Contact one of our consultants or read more on our website for information pertaining to your own Vitiligo condition.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require any further information pertaining to this article – White Spots and Patches on my Skin– or require any additional detailed information on our products.
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