Mark Chalmers (age 48): his grazed knee and subsequent Vitiligo trigger.

This Predisposed Vitiligo Case Study is typical of a person who is predisposed to Vitiligo. In this case, the Vitiligo first appeared on the knee after an injury and later in life spread to other areas of the body. Vitiligo in the predisposed condition can stay dormant for many years and then trigger later again from another traumatic event. Many of us are prone to Vitiligo and may go through our entire life without seeing any occurrence of the condition.

This story is based on fact, but the names of the people involved have been changed to respect their privacy. The story demonstrates a true account with real events, told as truthfully as replication and effect allows.

The ‘groovy’ 1970s saw bell-bottom jeans, 8-track cassettes, and Darth Vader!

The 1970s also saw a young 4-year-old Mark Chalmers fall and graze his knee. This was significant in Mark’s life, but a non-event in the grand scheme of things.

Predisposed Vitiligo Case Study

Predisposed Vitiligo Case Study

Mark was in preschool at the time and had cried bitterly when he saw the blood on his knee. His strongest memory of that fall was wanting his mother! The preschool teachers cleaned the graze with lukewarm water, and applied a wound disinfectant and a gauze bandage. Mark instantly became the focus of all the children that day, and by the time he was fetched by his mother, was in high spirits!

The small wound did not get infected and healed completely after 6 or 7 days. However, it left a small white patch on Mark’s knee. Over the next few years, the patch grew slightly, and, because he was also getting bigger, the comparative development of the white patch was deemed natural to his parents and himself. In fact, it became a topic of curious debate, and he referred to it as a possible birthmark. On a routine doctor’s visit, Mark’s parents were told it was Localised Vitiligo, and that there was no treatment available for it.

At this point, it is important to point out the role of adolescence in the spread of Vitiligo. If Vitiligo appears after skin trauma, this is the Koebner phenomenon, which affects the appearance of pre-existing skin lesions following trauma to previously uninvolved skin. This effect can be the result of a rapid increase in a person’s body size or the increase of hormonal function at puberty

Mark was not too concerned, and at the age of 16, he noticed another white spot on his inner thumb (between the thumb and index finger) on his left hand. A few more spots appeared around this area over the next year or two. Mark was still not overly anxious, and, being an avid rugby player, was more focussed on his strength, ball-handling skills, and speed training.

When Mark was 19 years old, he noticed that although the spots on his hand had slowly and spontaneously repigmented, the white patch on his knee was still present. During these years, Mark was healthy and his psychological stress levels were low.

Prolonged periods of stress initiate poor digestion, causing nutrient malabsorption. The link between stress and Vitiligo varies from person to person, but a toxic colon and dietary depletion can cause a weakened autoimmune system, causing Vitiligo symptoms. Mark had been neither stressed nor anxious, so his Vitiligo symptoms were dormant.

Mark’s family and friends no longer noticed the white patch on his knee, and Mark was not worried at all about his Vitiligo. His eating habits were healthy, and he was fit and strong. Mark married his childhood sweetheart and had 2 beautiful boys. Life was good!

Until it was not!

At 45, Mark was on vacation with his wife and children in Australia. On the beach one day, he decided to hire a surfboard and took his two sons out in the warm Australian sea and very hot sun. They had not applied any sunblock, and the day ended with Mark as red as a lobster. He was sunburnt, and two days later his skin started peeling.

Predisposed Vitiligo Case Study

As his skin recovered, Mark noticed white spots appearing on his neck, shoulders, and arms. Over the next 9 months the Vitiligo spread to his hands, feet, ankles, and underarms. Alarmed, he visited his doctor who referred him to a dermatologist and was given a script for Protopic® Ointment, which is in a class of medicines called topical calcineurin inhibitors and generally prescribed for the treatment of eczema. Unfortunately, the Vitiligo continued to spread.

He was then advised to try UVB Phototherapy. Two months and a small fortune later, the Vitiligo spread was still accelerating. Mark was also having to take increasingly more time off work to visit the phototherapy laboratory. The escalation of the spread of these white patches had taken Mark by surprise, as his initial symptoms as a young man had come and gone in a relatively short period of time. The only evidence of his Vitiligo had been the white patch on his knee. The white patches on his thumb had not returned since they had spontaneously repigmented.

Mark is a man who watches his weight, exercises regularly, and is very active. He helps his sons with their respective sports activities and partakes regularly in family activities. He is a handsome guy. When the first white spot appeared on his brow area, he decided to research the symptoms, causes, and treatments for Vitiligo. Mark was surprised to find a wealth of information regarding this disease. He contacted a member of the laboratory technical team at Vitiligo Treatment.

He completed the online assessment form and was assessed by one of our consultants. It was clear that he was a person who was predisposed to Vitiligo. Mark was told about the increase in the number of new Vitiligo patients at the start of every summer. Skin damage from sunburn causes tiny lacerations on the surface of the skin, which ultimately triggers Vitiligo.

Environmental circumstances such as trauma, such as sunburn or industrial chemical exposures can prompt Vitiligo development in people who are genetically predisposed to the condition. Triggers may also cause existing vitiligo patches to spread or progress in people who already have the condition. For example, the first signs of skin pigmentation loss may show up on an area of skin that has come in contact with chemicals or experienced skin damage.

Mark was keen to start with treatment. He had read that the earlier one can start treating Vitiligo, the better the results will be. He was advised to continue the phototherapy treatment, supplemented by a once-a-day application of the Vitilox® Pigmentation Cream and T-Cell-V tablets. The configuration of these two products aptly defines the concept of synergy. Both products work cohesively on their own, but together, their impact is enhanced.

  • Vitilox® Pigmentation Cream has been described as the most effective cream available for the recovery of your natural skin tone. It contains only natural ingredients, and there are no known side effects. It is 100% safe. The melanocytes are stimulated into releasing melanin, the pigment that gives your skin its characteristic colour.

  • Vitilox® T-Cell-V is an effective immune system therapy. It contains a special formula with vital ingredients that helps melanin production. It repairs the skin cells, activating new pigmentation to reverse the Vitiligo condition. Detection of various autoantibodies including anti-thyroid and anti-melanocyte antibodies have been found in the serum of Vitiligo patients. These conditions are addressed in the Vitiligo T-Cell-V therapy.

The list of ingredients is extensive. Vitiligo T-Cell-V therapy contains Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, D3, Folic Acid, Biotin, Zinc and Selenium. These all combine to reduce inflammation, stress, and anxiety, help prevent infections and promote cell health. They also help reduce oxidative stress and play an important role in the health of the immune system.

Six weeks after starting treatment an elated Mark noted that the spread of his Vitiligo had stopped. He felt more comfortable using the Vitilox® Pigmentation Cream twice a day and he stopped the phototherapy lab sessions. Three months later Mark’s pigmentation had visibly improved and the pigment ‘freckles’ had started to increase in size.

After 4 months of treatment his face, underarms, arms, and neck had recovered.

Mark is overjoyed now, and he is only using the Vitilox® Pigmentation Cream once a day on the remaining depigmented areas.

Mark is now 48 years old, and he is confident that total pigmentation of all areas will occur. He plans to ensure that he always wears sunscreen when he is in the sun. He and his family will continue to eat healthy, whole food and drink lots of water. He monitors his sons continually for signs of Vitiligo because children whose parents have the disorder are more likely to develop Vitiligo. However, most children will not get Vitiligo even if a parent has it.

Those who have Vitiligo may wonder if it is hereditary or triggered by environmental factors. Evidence suggests it may have a genetic component. Approximately 25 percent to 50 percent of those with vitiligo also have a relative with Vitiligo, while 6 percent may have a sibling who has it as well. It is believed that the genes involved are primarily called ‘immune susceptibility’ genes. Researchers have found variations in more than 30 genes that have been linked to a higher risk of developing Vitiligo. Best practice for those who are at risk – be vigilant and know your body!

Rumour has it that when Mark’s pigment returns fully to his left knee, he will feel that he will have lost a dear friend!

Predisposed Vitiligo Case StudyVitilox Vitiligo Cream & T-Cell-V

Vitiligo can be treated, and it is important to keep perceptions in line with reality! Commitment and adherence to the available treatment options are important when managing Vitiligo.

At Vitiligo Treatment we offer a large range of products to help treat most Vitiligo conditions. This is one of the factors that has contributed to our success in Treating Vitiligo.

We do have a combination of products formulated to treat Low, Medium, and High Vitiligo body coverage. Contact one of our consultants or read more on our website for information pertaining to your own Vitiligo condition.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require any further information pertaining to this Case Study – Predisposed Vitiligo Case Study – or require any additional detailed information on our products.


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