At Vitiligo Treatment we offer Vitiligo Support and Consultations to all sufferers of this condition. We have professionally trained consultants around the globe, and if you require information or confirmation on your Vitiligo condition you can contact us or fill in a free assessment. Our consultants and staff are friendly, and always available to assist you with your queries.

Vitiligo Support

Vitiligo Support

Possibly the worst side effect of Vitiligo is the embarrassment it causes the patient. This self-consciousness leads to anxiety and stress, which unfortunately causes the Vitiligo to spread further. Vitiligo Patients do require a good support system to ensure they do not become stressed or depressed. If you know of someone who is struggling to come to terms with their Vitiligo condition, please try to provide as much support as possible.

Vitiligo Support

Vitiligo does not discriminate

Vitiligo does not discriminate as it affects both males and females of all races and all ages. Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition and is not contagious. Autoimmune diseases cause certain cells in the body to attack other healthy cells. There is no single instant quick cure. In some instances, it may take a long time for the skin’s pigment to return. However, our Vitilox Range of Products have proved to be highly effective in Treating and Preventing the return of Vitiligo.

Vitiligo manifests as white spots or patches on the skin. These patches can appear anywhere on the body. In some cases, the patches will spread while in others it will remain localized. Both physical stress such as childbirth and mental stress are triggers for Vitiligo. It is also a genetic condition, and people whose parents or grandparents have the condition may develop Vitiligo.

Vitiligo Support

We do have Vitilox Cover products that hide the condition during treatment. These can be very beneficial in dropping your stress levels and helps in obtaining faster results by slowing down the spread of the condition while you treat it. The Vitilox Cover Cream is suitable for all ethnic groups, and its high concentration of pigment makes it the perfect formula for the concealment of depigmented areas.

It has the added benefit of being waterproof, sweat proof and long-lasting – 24 hours. Additionally, it does not smudge, fade or wash away when applied correctly and set with the Vitilox Setting Powder included in the kit. With an SPF factor of 35, you are assured that your skin is protected from the sun when venturing outdoors.

The Vitilox Cover Cream is available in 6 colours and is uniquely able to match any skin tone. Unlike other cover creams, Vitilox Cover Cream can be lightened or darkened to match your own skin colour by way of application. Initially, you will need to check our Vitilox Cover Cream colours from VT-1 through to VT-6 and choose the colour that best matches your own skin tone.

You only need to apply a very small drop of the Vitilox Cover Cream to the areas required. The Cover Cream is lightly dabbed to the white effected area, melting the beeswax in the cream to your skin temperature and ensuring a wide smooth coverage.

Vitiligo Support

Vitilox Pigmentation Cream and Vitamins

Our signature product, Vitilox Pigmentation Cream has the unique ability to penetrate deep into the skin and rejuvenate the Melanocytes into producing melanin again.Once Pigmentation is seen it is permanent in the areas treated. Our Vitilox Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid is requires to stop and slow down the further spread of Vitiligo. When treating Vitiligo with the Vitilox Pigmentation Cream, it is essential that we stop the further spread of the Vitiligo to enable the pigmentation process to be successful, and accelerate.

We also offer our Vitilox Vitamins and our new T-Cell-V Therapy Tablets that prevents further spread of your Vitiligo. The Vitamins are for low body coverage, and the T-Cell-V is for a high body coverage or predisposed condition.

Vitiligo Support:

At Vitiligo Treatment we offer products specially formulated to treat Vitiligo. We have been offering Vitiligo Support and treatment advice since 2001, and are able to help all sufferers to find the best treatment for their own specific condition. Remember we also have the free Vitiligo Assessment which can be found on our website. One of our trained consultants will evaluate your condition and help you choose the correct product for your treatment going forward.

Vitiligo can be Treated!

Vitiligo can be treated, and it is important to keep perceptions in line with reality! Commitment and adherence to the available treatment options are important when managing Vitiligo.

At Vitiligo Treatment we offer a large range of products to help treat most Vitiligo conditions. This is one of the factors that has contributed to our success in Treating Vitiligo.

We do have a combination of products formulated to treat Low, Medium, and High Vitiligo body coverage. Contact one of our consultants or read more on our website for vitiligo support and information pertaining to your own Vitiligo condition.


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Published by Vitiligo Treatment